See people from every ethnicity passionately worshiping Jesus Christ.


Support career missionaries and ministers living among unreached people groups to share the life-transforming news of Christ’s eternal salvation with those who have never heard in order to make disciples and plant churches among all nations.


As the years go on, missionaries have less funds because their monthly supporters slowly drop-off, often going overseas themselves or experiencing a change in their financial ability. Sadly, the needs of the missionaries and their children increases over time. Also, their effectiveness in ministry expands as their friendships, language skills, and cultural acquisition deepen.


We want to be the servants who used wisely the talents their master entrusted to them (Matthew 25) by investing resources into God’s kingdom growth among the unreached.

We seek to offset the increasing need by our donations slowly increasing over time and being a consistent source of support for the missionaries, so they can focus more on ministry and less on fundraising.

We also desire to give in a way that keeps giving so that until the task is complete, these donations will be there to send missionaries to the last nations.



We as Last Nations donors and missionaries believe:

  • God is One God and Three Persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

  • Jesus Christ is God’s One and Only Son as well as the Only Savior of the world and our personal sin.

  • Jesus lived as a human on earth, was crucified, resurrected, ascended, and now sits at the right hand of God.

  • God’s truth about Himself are clearly revealed in the Holy Scriptures, which are found only in the Bible.

  • Every ethnic people will hear the gospel of Jesus Christ as King and then the end will come—Matt. 24:14.

  • We as His Church have the command to join His mission by making disciples of all nations—Matt 28:19.

  • Daily remaining in Jesus Christ (our Vine) is the main means of seeing fruit— life-transformation in ourselves (the fruit of the Spirit) and in the unreached (heart-change unto eternal salvation)—John 15, Galatians 5, The Book of Acts.

  • Every nation, tribe, people, and language will have worshipers of Jesus once the end has come—Rev. 5, Rev. 7.


We partner with career missionaries and indigenous church planters who hold to the Biblical truths outlined above as well as those who have been commissioned by their local church to make disciples and plant churches. Many missionaries are also partnered with a mission agency.


We believe one of our roles in the fulfillment of the Great Commission is to support missionaries to live long-term among the unreached in a way that would make disciples of Jesus, baptizing them and teaching them to obey all that He has commanded. Obeying Jesus includes making more disciples who will carry the gospel to others as well (2 Timothy 2:2).



Last Nations is a nonprofit made of volunteers who joyfully pray, go, and give for the hardest places to be reached.

Last Nations submits to its Board of Directors, who have each donated or plan to donate at least $10,000 to one of the vetted missionaries.

For security in working among the unreached, we do not have pictures of some of our board members; however, our crew is made of a doctor named David from Oklahoma, an entrepreneur named Caleb from Texas, a prayer warrior named Adam from Tennessee, and a doctor named David Michael from Michigan. Our support staff are a Chief Account named Nelli in California who does our book-keeping and an administrator named John in Oklahoma who helps file our taxes.

We all are in love Jesus Christ and long to see people from every tribe and language worshiping Jesus—our beautiful Savior and amazing King. To this end, God has re-organized our lives to focus on the remaining people groups—the last nations.

In ourselves we have nothing to offer, yet because of the riches of God’s grace, we funnel His resources to missionaries risking their lives for the gospel to reach the unreached.