How do you define “unreached”?
Unreached means that the population of a specific people group is less than 2% Christian. We use to determine whether a missionary is or isn’t working among an unreached people group.
What happens when the missionary finishes his/her time overseas?
The account(s) and associated yearly distributions that were designated to this missionary will now be at the discretion of the original donor (or the delegate of the donor). If the donor and delegate are deceased or do not respond to a year’s worth of attempts at communicating with them, the Board will delegate the account(s) to new missionaries in need.
Can I give less than $10,000? If so, can I still give to a specific missionary?
Yes. If less than $10,000 is given to the General Fund or to a specific missionary, your gift will join with other gifts to make $10,000 accounts. If to a specific missionary, once he or she has received enough to make a $10,000 account, then the money will begin its normal process of two years establishment and then yearly distribution just like any other account. This account will be under the delegation of the missionary (i.e., the money will be designated to your missionary, and then he or she will decide the next missionary once he or she is finished serving longterm). If, after ten years, there still isn’t enough donated to reach the $10,000 threshold, then that money will be absorbed into the General Fund which will combine with other gifts to make a full account.
How is this different than raising funds through my agency or church?
We are not an agency or a church. Last Nations donations work alongside the monthly gifts to your agency and church.
Unique advantages about Last Nations is that…
There is not a 5-15% admin fee taken out of donations.
The money is invested so that, Lord willing, it grows over time instead of losing value as inflation occurs.
Missionaries have consistent support (compared to some monthly donors having changes in their ability).
For donors who want to be missionaries themselves someday, Last Nations is a way to give that will keep giving when they themselves are on the field, and after their time is finished, these will continue funds to support other workers.
For donors who want to give one-time gifts but see the impact increase over time, gifts to Last Nations are invested and consistently distributed without need of their active attention, although still under their delegation.
When and where is the money distributed for the 20+ Year Plan?
For the 20+ Year Plan, we send the money each year to the workers designated one or more active 20+ Year accounts.
For example, if a 20+ Year account is made in 2030 (Year 0), it is held for 2 years (2031 + 2032), then distributed yearly in 2033 and every year after that.
How is the Money Distributed for 20+ Year Accounts?
As an example…
a) Imagine there were 100 accounts within the 20+ Year Plan with each having the $10,000+, and 80 were active and 20 were still in their two-year inactive growth phase.
b) Now imagine, because of growth throughout the years, the entire amount that Last Nations has in stocks is $1,100,000.
c) Divide that by 100 total accounts = $11,000.
d) Set aside $11,000 x 20 inactive accounts = $220,000 untouched.
e) This leaves $1,078,000, which divided by 80 active accounts, equals $13,475.
f) Take 6% of $13,475 and you get $808.50 to be distributed that year per active account.
g) If a worker was designated 4 active accounts, then that worker would receive $3,234 that year.
Conclusion: The inactive accounts are valued equally with the active accounts, they are just on hold for two years for growth purposes. Also, the worker is given money based off the entire amount that Last Nations has in stocks, not merely the interest earned that year.
What if a missionary is on furlough?
Missionaries still receive distributions when on furlough. However, if a missionary has been back in their homeland for more than 14 months, then their accounts will likely be put on hold until they return to an unreached region. The hope here is that they would be able to raise more support during their prolonged furlough and/or work to fund their stateside ministry. However, the Board will look into their unique situation and decide if their 20+ Year accounts should be deemed active or inactive. If an account is inactive, then no money is distributed that year, but immediately begins whenever the missionary returns to an unreached region.
If a missionary has been on furlough for more than two years, the Board will assess the future goals with the missionary to help determine whether they plan to go long-term again soon or if the account should be delegated back to the donor to choose a new missionary.
What if I give to an Unreached People Group?
Once we identify a missionary that is going to that group or an indigenous church planter among the group, we will connect you with that missionary. Unless we hear otherwise, you will remain the Donor and can at anytime change to whom the donations goes.