We as donors give in $10,000 increments and designate each gift to a specific missionary, as long as the missionary is working among the unreached.
As a 501(c)(3) Public Charity, all donations to Last Nations are tax-deductible. Because the Board covers our overhead costs, 100% of your gift goes to the missionary of your choice.
The Board invests the donations tax-free into a Total Stock Market Index (which mimics a mutual fund but has fewer maintenance fees). To decrease risk, the Board invests the money at weekly intervals throughout the year. Until the money is directed into stocks, we grow the money in a Money Market Fund. As a 501(c)(3) Public Charity, the money is tax-free going in, tax-free in its growth, and tax-free when withdrawn.
The Board yearly receives missionary applications and thoroughly assesses the missionaries. Every year we also make sure that the missionaries are still (1) wholeheartedly in love with Jesus, (2) actively submitting to their church, (3) doing legitimate charitable work among unreached peoples, and (4) in financial need.
Per the Donor’s choice, we distribute the funds according to one of these three plans: Distribute Now, 10 Year Plan, or 20+ Year Plan.
Distribute Now
Once a missionary is supported with $10,000 via one donation or accumulated donations, we distribute the 100% of the $10,000 now to the missionary. Because we handle larger donations as well as have a generous Board and a strong volunteer team, Last Nations is able to cover all of our operation costs.
10 Year Plan
We invest the $10,000 donation tax-free. Last Nations Board guarantees a yearly distribution starting at $900 on Year 1 then increasing by $100 incrementally for the following 9 years (so $1000 on Year 2, $1100 on Year 3, $1200 on Year 4 … until $1800 on Year 10). After Year 10, the plan finishes; there are no more distributions for that account. This plan turns the donation into a $13,500 donation over 10 Years and the missionary receives funds as soon as Fall of Year 1.
20+ Year Plan
We invest the $10,000 donation and hold it two years for growth. As an example, if it grows with an 8% annual growth rate and 6% annual distribution: After 20 years, the money will equal ~$15,500 distributed to the worker and ~$15,500 still growing in the stocks, so the money will have grown to ~$31,000 after 20 years and will still be growing.
See Growth Charts Explained for more details.
Which One Describes You?
You’re living on monthly donations currently, but donor attrition is happening and you’re not sure what to do…
To compliment monthly donations, you’re considering asking your largest 3-10 donors to help you create a $10,000 account each year using the 10 Year Plan or 20+ Year Plan, so that when you need more funds later, these accounts will be ready for you.
Additionally, you’re excited that money given through Last Nations will increase over time. Instead of sitting in an uninvested account which decreases in value as inflation increases, this money will grow as your ministry grows.
Your friend or relative is a missionary, so you are curious how best to support him or her.
You start giving monthly, as this will remind you to pray for your missionary and keep your heart in the journey with them.
In addition, God has blessed you abundantly and you would like to give more this year. You’re considering giving through Last Nations so the funds can grow over time and support your missionary year after year, even if you later become unable to give.
You love supporting your friends on the field right now. However, you realize that if you support a lot of missionaries right now, then, when it’s your turn to go, these monthly donations will end when your salary ends, leaving your friends needing to raise more funds. This is likely when your friends will need more support, not less.
So you’re considering giving through Last Nations. You are still able to be generous now and receive tax-deductions now but your donations won’t end when your salary ends. On the contrary, the money will grow with time and be a greater support year after year.
You may also be a student paying off your debt or a student in the PSLF program.
God has blessed you to be a blessing! You are praying through how you or your company could best support the gospel going to the farthest and hardest places.
You’re considering creating $10,000 accounts through Last Nations so that the money can grow with time and be used by missionaries on the ground making disciples and planting churches among unreached people groups.
You love how Last Nations vets the missionaries each year, making sure they continue to love Jesus, are submitted to their churches, and are still in financial need.
You’re also glad that you can donate now and decide the distributions later. In addition, even if your financial ability changes, your gifts today will continue to support the gospel’s spread years and years down the road.